The Real Solution to a Real Problem.
Air conditioning drain line failure is a real problem. Algae and white slime can cause AC units to malfunction, leading to overflowing drain pans and damage to floors, ceilings, and drywall. This problem affects most homes, so if you haven't experienced it, just ask your neighbor. Insurance companies often list air conditioning drain line failure as one of their most common claims.

Patented Technology.
The placement of the intake, outflow, floor, and directional vents of the Always Clear device eliminates vacuum induced hydraulic back draft and liquid back flow to the HVAC air handler. The patented design length and spacing of the cartridge silo also prevents vacuum induced air backdraft to the HVAC air handler.
Always Clear prevents the obstruction caused by algae and white slime in air conditioner drain lines and saves you time, money and property damage for a fraction of the cost of service and repairs!
Tested & Improved.
The Always Clear drain line device was developed after 5 years of extensive testing in a wide-range of extreme temperatures and fluctuating environmental conditions. In tests conducted at over 50 locations in these states (SC, FL, GA, AL, MS, TX, AZ, CA, OH, NJ, NC, and KY) Always Clear has met or exceeded performance expectations.
Design improvements between fabrication of the initial Alpha Model until the most recently produced Delta Model have provided for ZERO failures when properly installed and maintained on an annual basis. Five years of extensive testing and no failures.